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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Back in the saddle

Should start post­ing stuff again now. Wait, this is a post! Talk about a self­-­ful­fill­ing prophe­cy!

Lots of things hap­pened in this very long break, so I won't both­er even men­tion­ing any of them, ex­cept one, which I promised to.

I am in love. And I will, as promised (to her), post a lit­tle love let­ter in my blog, and in­vite com­ments.

Since the long post­less pe­ri­od prob­a­bly means no­body reads my page any­more ex­cept when find­ing it via google, I in­vite any­one read­ing it in plan­etkde or wherever, to go to my page us­ing the handy link that should be some­where around this tex­t, and post a com­ment if you wan­t.

Be nice, please, be­cause delet­ing com­ments from pycs is some­what of a chore.

And here it goes:

Rosar­i­o, I love you. Some­times you think I don't, but that's just be­cause my skills of fa­cial and ver­bal ex­pres­sion are aw­ful. I love you when you act sil­ly, or pout, or say wild stuff.

I don't love you be­cause you pout or act sil­ly, but pout­ing and sil­ly­ness is sim­ply the ac­cen­t, love­li­ness is the lan­guage that you speak, and I can't do any­ht­ing but lis­ten to it.

These last two months have been most­ly hap­py for me, and when they weren't, they were hap­pi­er than they would have been with­out you, and I hope you felt the same thing.

Now you blush, girl.

Com­ming soon, the usu­al tech­ni­cal driv­el.

Sharon / 2006-04-03 11:07:

Ah sweet :)

[BTW, aKregator is a really nice rss reader :@)

MK / 2006-04-03 11:08:

Being a KDE addict I closely follow KDE planet and of course I remember your name :) Thanks for all the good things you have done for us and good luck for both of you! best regards from Hannover Germany, Marco

Scott Wheeler / 2006-04-03 11:09:

Well, I'm usually a fan of drier metaphores, but in the throes of love those are forgotten quickly. :-)

But really I find that picking out some of the concrete, quirky, specific things that we fall in love with without even noticing it and bringing them to the foreground often has a really intriguing effect -- by both the process of realzing and conveying them: the way she pulls the covers away on a cool night; funny little expressions she makes when you poke her in the ribs or the way her hair falls on her face after she's just woken up (picking arbitrary examples, really) often give letters a much more personal and intimate touch.

Whew, ok, enough of that; back to being a dork. (*) ;-)

¡Buena suerte! :-)

(Though, said dork will actually be in Buenos Aires about 3 weeks from now, possibly with my best female friend tagging along -- if I can pull you away from your compañera nueva for a couple of hours it might be fun to go get some coffee or something.)

Roberto Alsina / 2006-04-03 11:09:

Sure Scott, drop me an email and we´ll meet :-)

Rosario / 2006-04-03 11:10:

Carry on listening to that language, I can' t use another if I' m with you. I told you once, remember? I' ll be your mirror. Mirrors can only show what' s reflected on them...

So, how can I avoid to be adorable, if you are nothing less than that with me?

And by the way, the things I love about you are the way you "exasperate" me when we discuss, and the way you make me laugh. Your tenderness and your thoughness. Your inteligence and the patience with my sillyness.

Don' t worry, I feel the same. These months have been the best thing that happened to me in a long time. I love you too. And I will tell you a little secret... Ok. (as someone I know usually says). Your skills of facial and verbal expression ARE awful, but maybe I love you IN SPITE of those. And I know you love me. What happens is that I like it when you tell me you do.

And never forget that what I need is not a great amount of love, but a permanent and steady supply. As long as I have that you'll have your share.

Blushing for you, with love


Ps: Wild stuff???? Which wild stuff????

Revence 27 / 2006-04-03 11:11:

My first day on your site, and I am assaultedby a well-written love letter. Good luck. And she did blush./

"Rosario" - that's a cute name.

Rosario / 2006-04-03 11:11:

Oh! I forgot! Thanks for writting such sweet things for me and thanks for sharing them with everyone!

It's my first public love letter ever!


Boris / 2006-04-03 11:12:

Ahh, cute :)

Good luck the both of you.

Signed: Someone who found this blog via


Melina / 2006-04-03 11:22:

I love the way you treat each other... These've been really great months for Rosario, she is a great girl and deserves being loved as you do... ((and if you hurt her, I'll hunt you down Roberto)... best wishes for both of you :)

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