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Ralsina.Me — Roberto Alsina's website

Counting unread items is HARD

I mean, if google can get it wrong, I have an ex­cuse, right?


See how at the same time you see:

  • At the left: "All items (8)"

  • At the top-­­cen­ter: "8 new item­s"

  • In the tree: 8 items

  • In the list: 14 new items

Each of those num­bers can get out of sync with each oth­er if you do some­thing the "wrong" way.

But what the heck, it seems as of r678 urssus does it right. The list of un­read posts even up­dates when you have it open adding the new posts in the right places with­out dis­turb­ing you, and keep­ing the right num­bers ev­ery­where, AFAIC­S!


So here, in uRSSUs:

  • 13 un­read ar­ti­­cles in the "Un­read Ar­ti­­cles" item

  • 13 in "All Feed­s"

  • 13 adding each fold­er

  • 13 in the ar­ti­­cle list

Sad­ly, this is all post-0.2.11 re­lease.

Contents © 2000-2023 Roberto Alsina