Tus monitores no hacen esto.
Odio que cuando muevo una ventana con texto perfectamente legible al otro monitor de golpe es muy grande o muy chico. Hay solución para esto? Sí, pero ...
Odio que cuando muevo una ventana con texto perfectamente legible al otro monitor de golpe es muy grande o muy chico. Hay solución para esto? Sí, pero ...
Just ran into this video where the host explains how he's using a home server and how he made it use under 23W, and the steps he took to make it quiet and efficient.
So, knowing that our servers are not comparable I wanted to check how much power my server used.
Yes, my server is pretty unusual, you can read about it here: 1 2 3 4 5
First let's look at MAXIMUM power draw for all components.
There is also a USB 3.0 hub there but the power usage is negligible, probably below 100 mA at 5V.
So, the maximum power usage is ~2400 mA at 5V, which is about 12 watts.
When more or less idle, measured with a USB thingie, the Radxa Zero uses ~200 mA and the Network adapter never seems to go above 150 mA, so a lower bound is maybe about ~1300 mA, or about 6 watts.
And then there's cost. My whole system (which does everything I want nicely AFAICS) costs under 100 dollars. And my power bill from it is, if it runs full throttle ALL THE TIME (it doesn't) ... $87
Mind you, that's 87 argentinian pesos, or between 50 and 25 USD cents, depending on your exchange rate.
I think I'll manage.
Acabo de ver un video de un youtuber "de tecnología" que controla la luz de su escritorio con la app del celular ... WAT? PORQUÉ? Es más fácil controlarla como todo lo demás, desde tu teclado!
This is a longer-term update on the state of my home server. You can read more about it in these 1 2 3 4 posts.
And ... so far, it's more than enough. No strain :-)
Also backups via restic and other random things. I have a separate octoprint server but I may move it here.
Yeah, and it works just fine. Of course this is mostly because I am the only real user, but hey, it works.
I could run all this on clouds, but the hardware I am using would cost maybe 100 dollars, and monthly fees for services will quickly reach that amount and surpass it. I am already paying for the bandwidth anyway.
OTOH I have spent maybe 50 or 60 hours setting this up and if I look at my hourly rates ... ick.
I really don't understand other people's homelabs, they seem wildly overpowered.