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Posts about pyqt (old posts, page 13)

PyQt Quickie: command line parsing

So, you are writ­ing a PyQt ap­p, and you want it to sup­port com­mand line ar­gu­ments. So you do some­thing like this:

opt_parser = OptionParser()
opt_parser.add_option("-q", dest="quickly", action="store_true",
    help="Do it quickly (default=False)")
(options, args) = opt_parser.parse_args(sys.argv)
app = QApplication(sys.argv)

Or maybe even QAp­pli­ca­tion([]). Ok, you are doing it wrong. And this is wrong in most tutorials, too. Why? Because Qt (and thus PyQt) supports a bunch of useful command line options already. So if you do it like in the first listing, and pass "-style=oxygen" or whatever, one of the following will happen.

  1. Op­t­­Pars­er is go­ing to tell you it's not a valid op­­tion and abort

  2. You will ig­nore the op­­tion and not do any­thing use­­ful with it

  3. You will have your own -style op­­tion and do two things with it

All three out­comes are less than ide­al.

The right way to do this is:

opt_parser = OptionParser()
opt_parser.add_option("-q", dest="quickly", action="store_true",
    help="Do it quickly (default=False)")
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
(options, args) = opt_parser.parse_args(app.arguments())

This way, you give PyQt a chance to process the options it recognizes, and, then, you get to handle the rest, because app.arguments() has all Qt options removed.

The bad side of this is, you will make --help slightly slower, since it will have to build a QApplication to do nothing, and you will have undocumented options. Solution for both problems left as an exercise.

To write, and to write what.

Some of you may know I have writ­ten about 30% of a book, called "Python No Muerde", avail­able at http://no­­man­ager­s.­ (in span­ish on­ly).That book has stag­nat­ed for a long time.

On the oth­er hand, I wrote a very pop­u­lar se­ries of post­s, called PyQt by Ex­am­ple, which has (y­ou guessed it) stag­nat­ed for a long time.

The main prob­lem with the book was that I tried to cov­er way too much ground. When com­plete, it would be a 500 page book, and that would in­volve writ­ing half a dozen ex­am­ple app­s, some of them in ar­eas I am no ex­pert.

The main prob­lem with the post se­ries is that the ex­am­ple is lame (a TO­DO ap­p!) and ex­pand­ing it is bor­ing.

¡So, what bet­ter way to fix both things at on­ce, than to merge them!

I will leave Python No Muerde as it is, and will do a new book, called PyQt No Muerde. It will keep the tone and lan­guage of Python No Muerde, and will even share some chap­ter­s, but will fo­cus on de­vel­op­ing a PyQt app or two, in­stead of the much more am­bi­tious goals of Python No Muerde. It will be about 200 pages.

I have ac­quired per­mis­sion from my su­pe­ri­ors (my wife) to work on this project a cou­ple of hours a day, in the ear­ly morn­ing. So, it may move for­ward, or it may not. This is, as usu­al, an ex­per­i­men­t, not a prom­ise.

PyQt Quickie: Don't Get Garbage Collected

There is one area where Qt and Python (and in con­se­quence PyQt) have ma­jor dis­agree­ments. That area is mem­o­ry man­age­men­t.

While Qt has its own mech­a­nisms to han­dle ob­ject al­lo­ca­tion and dis­pos­al (the hi­er­ar­chi­cal QOb­ject trees, smart point­er­s, etc.), PyQt runs on Python, so it has garbage col­lec­tion.

Let's con­sid­er a sim­ple ex­am­ple:

from PyQt4 import QtCore

def finished():
    print "The process is done!"
    # Quit the app

def launch_process():
    # Do something asynchronously
    proc = QtCore.QProcess()
    proc.start("/bin/sleep 3")
    # After it finishes, call finished

def main():
    app = QtCore.QCoreApplication([])
    # Launch the process


If you run this, this is what will hap­pen:

QProcess: Destroyed while process is still running.
The process is done!

Plus, the script never ends. Fun! The problem is that proc is being deleted at the end of launch_process because there are no more references to it.

Here is a bet­ter way to do it:

from PyQt4 import QtCore

processes = set([])

def finished():
    print "The process is done!"
    # Quit the app

def launch_process():
    # Do something asynchronously
    proc = QtCore.QProcess()
    proc.start("/bin/sleep 3")
    # After it finishes, call finished

def main():
    app = QtCore.QCoreApplication([])
    # Launch the process


Here, we add a global processes set and add proc there so we always keep a reference to it. Now, the program works as intended. However, it still has an issue: we are leaking QProcess objects.

While in this case the leak is very short­-lived, since we are end­ing the pro­gram right af­ter the process end­s, in a re­al pro­gram this is not a good idea.

So, we would need to add a way to remove proc from processes in finished. This is not as easy as it may seem. Here is an idea that will not work as you expect:

def launch_process():
    # Do something asynchronously
    proc = QtCore.QProcess()
    proc.start("/bin/sleep 3")
    # Remove the process from the global set when done
    proc.finished.connect(lambda: processes.remove(proc))
    # After it finishes, call finished

In this version, we will still leak proc, even though processes is empty! Why? Because we are keeping a reference to proc in the lambda!

I don't really have a good answer for that that doesn't involve turning everything into members of a QObject and using sender to figure out what process is ending, or using QSignalMapper. That version is left as an exercise.

PyQt Quickie: QTimer

QTimer is a fair­ly sim­ple class: you use it when you want some­thing to hap­pen "in a while" or "ev­ery once in a while".

The first case is some­thing like this:

# call f() in 3 seconds
QTimer.singleShot(3000, f)

The sec­ond is this:

# Create a QTimer
timer = QTimer()
# Connect it to f
# Call f() every 5 seconds

Sim­ple, right? Well, yes, but it has some trick­s.

  1. You have to keep a re­f­er­ence to``­­timer``

    If you don't, it will­get garbage-­­col­lec­t­ed, and f() will nev­er be called.

  2. It may not call f() in 5 sec­ond­s.

    It will call f() more or less 5 sec­onds af­ter you en­ter the event loop. That may not be quick­ly af­ter you start the timer at al­l!

  3. You may get over­lap­ping cal­l­s.

    If f() takes long to fin­ish and re-en­ters the event loop (for ex­am­ple, by call­ing pro­ces­sEv­ents) maybe the timer will time­out and call it again be­fore it's fin­ished. That's al­most nev­er a good thing.

So, you can do this:

def f():
        # Do things
        QTimer.singleShot(5000, f)


What that snippet does, is, calls f() only once. But f itself schedules itself to run in 5 seconds. Since it does it in a finally, it will do so even if things break.

That means no overlapping calls. It also means it won't be called every 5 seconds, but 5 seconds plus whatever f takes to run. Also, no need to keep any reference to a QTimer.

Fi­nal tip: You can al­so use QTimer to do some­thing "as soon as you are in the event loop"

QTimer.singleShot(0, f)

Hope it was use­ful!

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