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Living with eee: tips and tricks

I have used my eee PC for a few months al­ready, and here are a few tips I gath­ered along the way.

  • Re­­move Xan­­dros, get *Ubun­­tu on it

    Yes, it boots a bit slow­er, but ev­ery­thing still works (I ad­mit, with some man­u­al tweak­s), and you will use less disk space, and be gen­er­al­­ly hap­pi­er.

  • If you use KDE, check the ad­­vanced win­­dow menu.

    Did you know that any app can be fullscreen? Yes it can. How­ev­er, I pre­fer the "No Bor­der" op­­tion. Yes, your win­­dows will have no bor­der­s,bu­u­u­u­ut:

    • You are prob­a­bly not go­ing to use win­­­dows side by side on a 800x480 screen, are you?

    • You can still move and re­­­size win­­­dows: Al­t+LMB and Al­t+RMB are your friend­s.

  • Yes you can play games on the eee: get psx, the psx em­u­la­­tor. I had a bunch of CDs for my long-dead PS1. Need for Speed looks pret­­ty good, and Tekken 3 is a lot of fun :-D

  • There's enough stream­ing mu­sic to avoid car­ry­ing your MP3 around. Last.FM and all the shout­­cast ra­­dios on Amarok do the trick for me.

  • Get SD card­s.

  • The black mod­­el seems to be pret­­ty scratch re­­sis­­tan­t.

  • Yes, you can throw it on the so­­fa when you ar­rive at home. No, noth­ing will break (at least noth­ing broke on mine). SS­Ds are nice.

  • A 1yo boy with clean hands can slap at the key­board for a minute or two and it may live.

Manuel Quiñones / 2008-06-09 19:35:

"get *Ubuntu on it"

Yeah, I hope the manual tweaks become automated.

Take a look at Ubuntu Netbook Remix, sounds promising:

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